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The Cluster of Competency «Agri-food, Safety and Security» IUC VLIR-UOS organizes The 1st Edition of the International Congress on Food and Environmental Sciences (ICFES 24′) under the theme: Environmental Biotechnology to Shape the Future of Bioresources’ Valorization

Join Us at ICFES 24′: Environmental Biotechnology to Shape the Future of Bioresources’ Valorization!

🌱 International Congress on Food and Environmental Sciences (ICFES 24′)

📅 19-20 January 2024

📍 Faculty of Sciences, Meknes, Morocco

In a world grappling with environmental challenges, resource scarcity, and the urgent need for sustainable solutions, we invite you to the forefront of innovation – The International Congress on Food and Environmental Sciences (ICFES 24′). Organized by The Laboratory of Biotechnology and Bioresources Valorization and The Cluster of Competency «Agri-food, Safety and Security» IUC VLIR-UOS, this event promises to be a beacon of knowledge and collaboration.

🌍 Context:

In the face of global concerns such as climate change, environmental degradation, and the need for sustainable development, bioresources hold the key to transformative solutions. The intersection of bioresources and environmental biotechnology provides an innovative pathway to harness their latent value. Environmental biotechnology, as a dynamic and interdisciplinary field, offers sustainable solutions to mitigate the negative impacts of human activities on the planet.


The ICFES 24′ aims to bring together a diverse community of professionals to delve into the multifaceted aspects of bioresources’ valorization using environmental biotechnology. The focus is on unlocking the untapped potential of value-added processes and products. This event will serve as a catalyst for knowledge exchange, collaborative discussions, and the presentation of cutting-edge research in the field.


Be a Part of the Future! Join us at ICFES 24′. Together, let’s shape a sustainable tomorrow through the power of Environmental Biotechnology!
